The Tab Ladies

The Tab Ladies

Every second, fourth, and on an occasional fifth Wednesday, a dedicated group of women serve the Mid-North Food Pantry with care and grace. Sandy Cheney, Mary Alice Moon, and Mary Allen are all members of Tabernacle Presbyterian Church and feel called to serve this community.

Board Member Kathleen Strickland

Board Member Kathleen Strickland

Kathleen Conner Strickland is a parishioner at Trinity Episcopal Church and resides with her family in the Butler-Tarkington neighborhood.

New Food Partner

IPS School 84, Center For Inquiry, recently became a new donor/partner of rescued food.

Thank You

It is with grateful hearts that we bid adieu to three amazing board members.

Board Spotlight: Adam Packer

Adam Packer joined the Mid-North Food Pantry Board in January 2018 as a representative of Tabernacle Presbyterian Church.

Thank You, Pilates Indy!

Thank You, Pilates Indy!

Thank you Pilates Indy for sharing ways to stay healthy and give to others during the holidays!